Beech Grove Park Event Day
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Grand Venue Ribbon Cutting
Friday, May 3, 2024, 12PM

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Here are some important factors to consider.
It’s important to be aware of the impact mental health has on our society. Unfortunately, recent studies have found American’s mental health is worsening.
Here’s the facts you need to know:
- 1 in 5 adults experience a mental illness.
- 17% of adolescents aged 12-17 experience at least one depressive episode.
- 33.5% of adults with a mental illness also have a substance use disorder
- Anxiety Disorders are the most common form of mental illness
_ 19.1% of adults experience anxiety disorders.
A lot of people don’t get the mental health help they need because they don’t understand mental illness or the treatment options out there. 40% of people believe therapy doesn’t work, 39% don’t have enough time, and 37% don’t have robust enough insurance.
By raising awareness through events like Mental Health Awareness Month, we can connect more people to the life-saving resources they need.

May Library Newsletter

Forrest City Water Customers:
Water is temporarily off in Jefferson and Bridge Street are in Madison. We do apologize for the inconvenience. We plan to have water restored as soon as possible. Thank you.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it is a time to raise awareness of and reduce the stigma surrounding behavioral health issues. It’s also a time to recognize how mental illness and addiction can affect all of us — patients, providers, families and our society at large.

ABC Preschool Registration
ABC Pre-School in Forrest City will hold a registration round-up this week (April 29 through May 3)
All applications must include:
* A copy of the applicant's Birth Certificate
* A copy of the applicant's Social Security Card
* An updated Physical or Appointment Letter from the applicant's doctor
* An updated Shot Record
* Proof of Income
For more information, please contact the ABC School at 870-261-1807.

City Council Meeting

Forrest City Farmers Market Vender/Volunteer Meeting
The Forrest City Farmers Market (FCFM) committee will host a meeting on Tuesday, April 30th at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Forrest City’s City Hall to prepare for the local market to open later this summer. Local farmers, vendors and crafters are encouraged to attend as well as anyone wanting to volunteer on Saturday Mornings throughout the market season. Applications will be available to complete to become a vendor. They are also looking for musical acts to play during the market. The FCFM is tentatively scheduled to open on June 1. For more information contact Anna Howton @ 870-317-5296

EACC Community Education Summer Schedule
The Community Education and Workforce Development programs at East Arkansas Community College have announced the Summer Schedule of classes for students of all ages. The schedule offers a wide variety of unique Kids on Campus programs and camps, Personal Interests and Senior age (students aged 50+) classes for adults and Professional Development classes. The complete schedule of summer classes is available online at EACC.edu. Pre-registration is required for all classes and events. For more information about classes, fees, and locations, please call 870-633-4480 ext. 333

The Disabled Arkansas Veterans is providing transportation to area veterans from St. Francis County to the VA in Little Rock. The van will pick up veterans every Monday and Wednesday at the Shell station on Holiday Drive in Forrest City at 7:05 a.m. and the Love's truck stop in Palestine at around 7:10 a.m. To reserve a spot or get more information please call 870-932-1052.

The Forrest City Public Library is hosting a workshop on Autism with Renee Holmes, RN, Director of Autism Services of Partners for Inclusive Communities on Saturday,
April 27th from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Breakfast and daycare will be provided but you must RSVP by Tuesday, April 23rd. This workshop will cover what Autism is, support for individuals with Autism and Sensory Differences and information about the Autism waiver and the Arkansas Autism Resource and Outreach Center. The library is located at 421 S. Washington St. in Forrest City. To RSVP or for information please call 870-633-5646

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City of Forrest City Announces Discontinuation of Youth Work Program

June 1, 2024
Juneteenth 2024 Freedom 5k Walk/Run

Beech Grove Park Ribbon Cutting
Friday, May 17th at 1 PM

FREE Adult Education and Literacy Classes! Call 870-633-4480 extension 310 for more information.

The Pink Ladies of the Forrest City Medical Center Auxiliary invite you to join them each week for exercise classes that can help all ages and levels of activity. The classes are FREE and are held every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. in the hospital cafeteria

Arkansas State Police Troop D driver's testing for Skills will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The written exam will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information call 870-633-1454. You will need an original copy of your birth certificate and a photo ID. You can purchase a photo ID for $5 at the Revenue Office, this is just an option, and NOT something you have to do. Either way you MUST have a photo ID.

Chance for a Change will be providing after-school balanced meal giveaways Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm pick up only for children ages 2 through 18 at the Sports Complex.